
Monday 29 February 2016

Heathy ideas

Nachos! Nachos are so good and they can be heathy. For this heathy idea what you need is cron chips   ,bake beans, tomatoes, onions, celery,cheese and sour cream. First put the chips on a plate add the beans on top of the chips next chop the vegetables into tiny and  sprinkle them over top of the beans. Grate cheese on the dish and put in the  microwave for 30-1 minutes and there is your snack or tea

Thursday 18 February 2016

Heathy ideas

You come home from school hungry I have the best thing for that a potato. I know it my not be what you we're wanting but it is very nice. I just had one and it filled me up. So what you need is a potato,fork and for toppings cheese and sour cream ( it is the best). This next bit is very important. You have your potato and prick with the fork  so it want explode in your mickerwave ( mum and dad want be happy) put it in for 2-3 minutes and cut open then put you toppings on. Quite and easy and taste amazing.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Heathy ideas

Manly ever day I am going to try to put up some heathy treats on for everyone can try. So my first idea is  Kale chips. What you need is -3 tablespoons of coconut oil -1 tablespoons of lemon juice - 1/4 of teaspoon of sea salt and  the most important thing some Kale. Preheat the oven to 150oC. Grease and line a large baking tray with some baking paper.
Put coconut oil in to a large blow with the lemon juice and salt. Stir until a pasted. Next put the Kale into the bowl and toss until all of the kale is coated. Put the kale flat on the tray and put in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes.
My next idea is ice water with lemon. This one is very easy. First of all grab a glass. fill with water or if you want some fizz you can use some fizzy water. Add some ice cubes and half of a lemon into the water and if you want to do fancy you can slice little bits of lemon and put it on the side of the glass.

Friday 12 February 2016

Project 7

For the past two days the year 7's have  again taken on project 7. There are 4 groups the first one is called the garden group. The next group is called the compass group. We just have 2 more. We have the chickens group and the best group of all in my head the LOST  PROPERTY group. What we have been doing in the lost property group is 1: sorting out all of the clothes and if they are named give them to they owner. 2: some people are know going to wash the clothes and then we are going to sell them at summer sounds. I can't wait to see what we sell and what all the other groups do

Friday 5 February 2016


Every Thursday team east are having technology. The year 8's are doing sewing and the year 7's are doing food.
We had a quick talk about what we are going to do. All of the year 7's went off into this room with 6 tables and we found out what we are making. It is the famous chips and onion dip but not with chips but vegetable instead. We found our table and started. 
We had to cut cucumber, carrot and celery and then we got to eat it along with the dip. ( yum )