
Tuesday 31 May 2016

First Aid

For this team we are doing keeping yourself safe in different searose. Today we learn First Aid with a St Jones perfeshanly.

We first learn this saying DRSABC. D is danger, R is response, S is send for help, A is airway, B is breathing and the last one C is C.P.R.

Then we learnt what to do if we find someone unconscious. What you do is check for dangers see if they are responding if not  call 111. Tilt there head back and lift the chin put your hand on their stomach and ear near their mouth lesson for their breathing. If they are breathing put their hand closes to you up and the one these away on there stomach, the leg these away leg bent and roll then to you and the leg that was up you put it over them in a L and on hand under there and one in front of them.

I loved this it was very fun if you get the changes to do this i would do it can’t wait to do more.

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