
Monday 20 June 2016

The piano

The Piano

His fingers moved swiftly and nimbly across the black and white keys of the grand piano. It was a beautiful melody, sad but beautiful. The tune floated on the warm, westerly breeze, amongst the auburn and dark green leaves that danced like puppets on an invisible string before finally settling on the grass.
He sat here every day, in the same spot under his tree.The houses he played his piano on were filled with bizzey people. All he wanted was a home and someone to lesson to his music.
He played his some tune over and over for weeks only one bizzey  person head is beautiful tune. The person followed the tune with a flute. The person played the same tune with him the song got louder and louder with more bizzey people hearing it.

The lovely man found a home and a family but the tune got weaker but sadly it stopped but was it over.      

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