
Friday 20 May 2016

Mt Richardson

 It was the day of your walk up Mt Richardson. The wind was so cold my cheeks went num. We started our walk it took  2 hours of constant hills until morning tea. I was at the front but in the end i was at the back but it was still fun. We made it to morning tea. We stopped at a flat long piece of hard madding land and ate and ate for atlas 15 minutes. Off we went up to the top. There were rock rivers trees and shoe laces . The rocks made me roll my ankle. The rivers cold me down way to maght. Trees love my eyes and the worsted one of all the shoe lace it made me trip flip and everything it should not do. Finally I made it to the top still with a smile on my face. Time for lunch a big rice dish and chocolate. So good. After eat all the food it was time to go back down to slvheriedaion.  Sadly on the way down i rolled my ankle atlas 10 to 15 times. So we had to strap it. It was a slow way down to the bottom but we made it in the end. My dad was a the bottom waiting for me. I went home and ice my ankle and relaxed for the rest of the day.    


  1. Yes your ankle was a bit of a problem for you on this walk, well done for keeping going your determination is an inspiration to a others.

  2. Great Job for getting up the mountain, especially still smiling! You and your ankle just don't get along, last year and now this year!
