
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Professor Plum

Professor Plum
Professor PLum has been locked away in his laboratory for day now,barely even stopping to eat or drink.

He rested his left arm on the dusty pile of books scattered across his desk and with his right hand he gently flicked the conical flask in front of him. The red and orange liquid inside coughed and spluttered as heat from the Bunsen burner excited it from below.

Professor Plum wiped his weary eyes; only the excitement of finally finishing the potion kept him awake. Just a few more hours, then it would be ready to take over the world.

Professor Plum Knew if he locked himself in the laboratory that the potion would not get stonly. Professor Plum was the most wanted Professor in the whole universe so he had to keep watch.

Professor Plum eyes were slowly shutting but he couldn’t sleep because the cat was in there and he likes to drink anything.

The potion was ready but it was too late.

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