
Tuesday 31 May 2016

First Aid

For this team we are doing keeping yourself safe in different searose. Today we learn First Aid with a St Jones perfeshanly.

We first learn this saying DRSABC. D is danger, R is response, S is send for help, A is airway, B is breathing and the last one C is C.P.R.

Then we learnt what to do if we find someone unconscious. What you do is check for dangers see if they are responding if not  call 111. Tilt there head back and lift the chin put your hand on their stomach and ear near their mouth lesson for their breathing. If they are breathing put their hand closes to you up and the one these away on there stomach, the leg these away leg bent and roll then to you and the leg that was up you put it over them in a L and on hand under there and one in front of them.

I loved this it was very fun if you get the changes to do this i would do it can’t wait to do more.


Life was tough, being the Incredible Hulk.
He had had a tiring week (as per normal), but today was his day off. Walking the dog had always been one of Hulk’s favourite things to do on a Sunday. He could totally relax and put to the back of his mind all of the things that had made him feel stressed during the week.
For years, Hulk had struggled to control his fierce temper and extraordinary strength, but very often things would still go badly wrong. On one occasion, he had become so angry with the traffic lights on his way to work that he had completely crushed the steering wheel. On another, he had punched a hole in the side of his house when trying to swat a fly! Just the other day, Hulk had stumped his toe on the corner of his bed, so had thrown his bed out of the window where it landed on top of next door’s car…
Today he was going to try his very best to not find himself in any embarrassing situations. Hulk always thought if he was so big the other would think he was fat but will he still be incredible.
Was it the food he thought, all i get is fruit and veg. He need to stop thinking about the bad things and more about the positives.  
Like his fans coming up to him and asking some amazing question.
He looked down to see his dog but it was gone! Will he get mad or not ...

Monday 30 May 2016

Mahtabs story

Mahtab is full of Sadness. She hopes that her father returns home. She is about to burst into tears because all she wants is a happy family away from everything. Her mother is not coping with the stress of all the children. Mahtab hopes that her father is in Australia with a big house and happy. Mahtab stills thinks that they should've just gone to Vietnam 

Saturday 28 May 2016

Dances Moves

I have gone a web silt called and have found a vido of how to do the 6 steps
Click on the link below to see the move and do it at home


Every Friday we are doing clubs with the whole school.The Clubs are Dance,Robotics,Movie making,Scrapbooking,Green team,Nail art,Book club and lots lots more.

We to choose are top three my were Dance, Nail art and scrapbooking. I got put in Dance.

For your first lesson we might everybody and did a warm up on gonoodle. After and good warm up we learnt some very simple hip hop moves.

The first one was called a Six step. It was a bit hard but once you did it a few times on the ground it was easy.The next one we did was called the Cat Daddy this one was not even hard and once we merited the Cat Daddy we could put are known personality in the move and voila the Cat Daddy. This one was the (hardest not) it was called the Chest Pump all you had to do was poke out your rips and that is the Chest Pump move.

Then is was time to do some dances. I think we did about 5 dances until it was time to go. The teach taking us was Miss lake she said “next we get to start are dances”We picked up and went home.

I love clubs and can’t wait to do more Dance.

Friday 27 May 2016

13 News

Here is Milly, Hannah and my ANZAC presentation about Medical First Aid that we made on iMovie.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Professor Plum

Professor Plum
Professor PLum has been locked away in his laboratory for day now,barely even stopping to eat or drink.

He rested his left arm on the dusty pile of books scattered across his desk and with his right hand he gently flicked the conical flask in front of him. The red and orange liquid inside coughed and spluttered as heat from the Bunsen burner excited it from below.

Professor Plum wiped his weary eyes; only the excitement of finally finishing the potion kept him awake. Just a few more hours, then it would be ready to take over the world.

Professor Plum Knew if he locked himself in the laboratory that the potion would not get stonly. Professor Plum was the most wanted Professor in the whole universe so he had to keep watch.

Professor Plum eyes were slowly shutting but he couldn’t sleep because the cat was in there and he likes to drink anything.

The potion was ready but it was too late.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Netball 21/5/16

Netball 21/5/16
It was a cold and very windy day which means it was very hard to play netball in.

The first half I was goalkeeper which means I have to stop the other teams shorter shooting but the best thing was I don't have to do much because the other team got no goals and we got 21. (Best game ever)

But sadly for the last half I was off but Kate S took my place as the goalkeeper. We ended up both dancing with each other until the other team got the ball down.

I hope next time we get a bit more of a challenging team to verse but another win would be great like that one.

Friday 20 May 2016

Mt Richardson

 It was the day of your walk up Mt Richardson. The wind was so cold my cheeks went num. We started our walk it took  2 hours of constant hills until morning tea. I was at the front but in the end i was at the back but it was still fun. We made it to morning tea. We stopped at a flat long piece of hard madding land and ate and ate for atlas 15 minutes. Off we went up to the top. There were rock rivers trees and shoe laces . The rocks made me roll my ankle. The rivers cold me down way to maght. Trees love my eyes and the worsted one of all the shoe lace it made me trip flip and everything it should not do. Finally I made it to the top still with a smile on my face. Time for lunch a big rice dish and chocolate. So good. After eat all the food it was time to go back down to slvheriedaion.  Sadly on the way down i rolled my ankle atlas 10 to 15 times. So we had to strap it. It was a slow way down to the bottom but we made it in the end. My dad was a the bottom waiting for me. I went home and ice my ankle and relaxed for the rest of the day.    


Over the past few days i have been doing some writing on pobble 365 and this is one of my storys
The woods
It had all started out as a dare. “No-one is brave enough to camp out in the woods all alone.”They had all said. So far, he proved them all wrong.

It was a cold night. All of the Jimdandy argamuffins were playing dares. Jim was dare to go into the woods for the whole night.

The Jimdandy argamuffins gave Jim a tent and they went to the woods.Jim set up camp and shut his eyes.

The next day the Jimdandy argamuffins went to see Jim but he was gone and all they found was his socks.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Mass, Explain Everything

  In class Hannah and i have been learning about Mass. We have made an explain everything
and have become experts in Mass. Below you can find our explain everything.